Sunday, 1 February 2009

Superman's Flaws

Reading 32: Judges 16

I don't understand why Samson stayed with her?? She was obviously trying to do something to him...perhaps he was blinded by his lust for her?

Samson has been captured, tricked by the woman he thought he loved. He has been sold out, had his eyes gouged out...ouch...and is being carried off in gold shackles. And I love the line that follows:

But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved.

With God there is always a second chance. Samson was a royal screw up. He made bad choices from the very beginning of this chapter, BUT the hair on his head began to grow again.

God never gives up on us. Even though our wrong decisions land us in gold shackles sometimes...there's always another chance. That's the wonderful grace of God!